Ear, Nose And Throat Examination, Győr
At the ear, nose and throat examinations base of the ear, nose and sinuses, as well as the oral cavity, throat, pharynx and larynx lesions researching the specialist.
Eliminating Snoring Surgery, Győr
For too large uvula and / or loose, floppy soft palate performed advanced laser cosmetic surgery, after which the snoring intensity is significantly reduced or eliminated and breathing interruptions can often disappear or become milder.
Nasal Septum Surgery, Győr
Nasal septum surgery is performed in cases where there is a chronic nasal septal deviation against the backdrop of respiratory complaints. The nasal breathing disorder has secondary consequences may occur, lingering upper respiratory tracheitis, sinusitis, the lower respiratory tract involvement, and chronic sore garatbántalmak, the Eustachian tube function disorders, chronic inflammation of the middle ear.
Tonsillectomy, Győr
There may be instances when the doctor is still prefers when removed from the almonds. It can be, if someone is constantly battling tonsillitis, or if the swollen tonsils make it impossible to breath and swallowing.