Male Breast Surgery, Győr (Plastic surgery) 1 clinics' services (3 Plastic surgeon)
Description, questions
The abnormal enlargement of male breast appointed by the medical language has gynecomastia. This condition wearer's feminine appearance, depending on the degree of gynecomastia will specifically feminine ticket. The first and the second stage is generally appropriate zsírszívással results.
Kardirex Egynapos Sebészeti Centrum
Dermatologist Internist Gastroenterologist Gynecologist Proctologist Plastic surgeon Dietetic Ear nose and throat specialist Allergist Vascular surgeon Geneticist Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Ophthalmologist Surgeon Heart surgeon Midwife Pulmonologist Diabetologist
9024 Győr, Táncsics Mihály u. 43.